Thanksgiving is a time for all Americans to take a moment to pause and consider what they are truly thankful for. This year -- despite its unprecedented set of difficulties -- is no different. In fact, reflecting on 2020 should emphasize the good things in our lives even more.
In Northwest Arkansas, one of the things the Knights of Columbus are most thankful for are our vibrant Catholic schools and the authentically Catholic education they offer to the children in the area. Since March, the teachers at Ozark Catholic Academy, St. Joseph Catholic School, and St. Vincent DePaul Catholic School have given their all to maintain the high standards and sterling reputation of Catholic education. Every day the faculty and staff of those schools put on their masks, accept the risk of possible COVID-19 exposure, and develop the young minds of the next generation of Catholic Americans. Without their courage, perseverance, and commitment, one of the great cultural treasures of Catholicism in America -- our Catholic schools -- would be another casualty of the global pandemic.
In recognition of their hard work, agility, and love for the students, our Fourth Degree Assembly made over 120 "Thank You" notes for each of the faculty and staff of all three Catholic schools in the area. Each thank you note contained 2 coupons for free ice cream products, redeemable at any retailer. The notes were delivered to all three schools and distributed to the teachers on the Thursday and Friday before classes were let out for Thanksgiving.
In comparison to the contributions of the faculty and staff of our Catholic schools, this is a very small gesture. Nonetheless, at this time of year -- despite all of the current hardships -- gratitude should be in our hearts and the the words "Thank You" on our lips. Therefore, let it be known that the Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Assembly is extremely THANKFUL for the good work of our Catholic schools, and we hope that this very small gesture makes this Thanksgiving a little "sweeter" for the dedicated women and men who serve in them.