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Full Video: Assembly Offers the Patriotic Rosary for America on National Freedom Day


On February 1, 2021, the Knights of Columbus offered a Patriotic Rosary for America at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Siloam Springs. The event was organized by the Fourth Degree Assembly and supported by Divine Mercy Council #13829. Assembly officers SK Bernie Krumpelman and SK Tyler Schexnailder were among the decade leaders during the service. SK Ray Bader leant his impressive vocal talents as well -- adding a beautiful musical dimension that complimented our prayers. Decades were also offered by Brother Knights and their ladies from St. Mary's Parish in English and Spanish. It was one of the most well done, moving, and spiritually-energizing events our Assembly has ever hosted. THANK YOU to everyone involved in the planning and setup of the event, especially Bernie.

Recognizing that many of our Sir Knights were unable to attend due to COVID, the event was recorded and can be viewed at the link below. If you have missed praying in community during the pandemic, or if you have felt concern for our country during the difficulties of 2020, praying along with this video WILL be well worth your time:

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